A New Year’s Resolution and Rosy Cheeks

A resolution From Charlie, who has learned many new skills as a preschooler.

Last year I learned to not eat the play dough and to share it with my friends.

I learned that not to taste the paintbrush before painting.

But my resolution for this year?

To not use my hair as the paintbrush.

Could he be any cuter?

From Charlie’s teacher:  Just wanted you to know that Charlie did not paint his hair on purpose. It was painted when he bent his head down to dip into the paint cup. I can’t wait for you to see his painting. He spent about 30 minutes on it.  He had a wonderful day!  All of the kids did.  It’s nice to be back.

We absolutely love his teachers and the preschool special education program, what a blessing it has been for Charlie and us!


Those darn chapped/rosy cheeks are back.  We always have a humidifier on in Charlie’s room and switch between these two creams: Weleda Baby Calendula face cream and California Baby Calendula cream.  Our magic creams had kept any chapped cheeks at bay but alas the winter weather seems to be winning the battle.  What works best for your little one’s winter cheeks?

10 thoughts on “A New Year’s Resolution and Rosy Cheeks

  1. Oh how funny…he is too adorable! I too love Nicholas’ special education preschool…how often does Charlie go? Nicholas goes 2x a week, but in September will be going 5 days when he turns 3 – – I am nervous about that!, it seems like alot! No chapped cheeks here, just lots of chapped lips…hope you find something good!

  2. My chiildren are all grown up already but have you tried just plain baby oil. Working in the cold alot I get very dry scaly skin. I use baby oil right after a shower, after just a pat drying. Works wonders.

  3. SO cute!! I love it! It makes me wish we had a good preschool program here for Matthew, although we’re doing alright at home. I may have to brave more art projects, though! Matthew’s cheeks are so bad that we have to use hydrocortisone ointment or a prescription to combat the inflammation of the eczema. In-between, though, I use an Oil of Olay night cream, which works really well – it’s SUPER moisturizing, but not greasy. (… a little for Matthew, a little for me!)

  4. He’s so beautiful, Libby. My heart just feels so full hearing the wonderful stories of the special place he gets to go… so happy for all of you!!!

    Can you get Weleda’s Cold Cream there? If not, I’ll send you some. It’s the only thing that works for us, and it’s a dream… and you can only feel good using it since it’s full of only good stuff!

    Hugs to you all!!! We miss you!!!

  5. a fan of Aquaphor here, but the other thing to use is omega 3/omega 6 oils and coconut oil. Good for Mom’s too! he could not be ANY cuter!! LOVE it! can’t wait to see the painting!

  6. Vaseline worked for Brady when he was that age. I used to put it on before we went outside, and again after bath, right before bed to soak in while he slept.

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