

I woke up refreshed.*  {*After only waking up three times with William the night before.}

I showered.  And washed my hair.

I wore pants that button.

I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season.

I used two of the three strollers in the back of my car.  {Should have bought stock in Maclaren a few years back…}

I didn’t do any laundry.

I remembered to dust off the camera.

Charlie used his “gentle hands” with his baby brother.  {Who just happened to be cranky at the time…}

I had lunch with girlfriends, celebrating the up-coming birth of a dear friends baby boy.

I ate chocolate cake in the middle of the day.  It was delicious.

I made paper airplanes for Henry to throw and Charlie to chase.  They were entertained for at least one hour.  {By a piece of paper.}

I cheered as Charlie stood unassisted and tentatively took a few steps.

I made dinner while wearing the baby, entertaining a toddler and chatting with my four year-old.

We sat down for dinner together as a family of five.

All three boys were bathed and in their jammies by 6:30 p.m.

We watched Henry and Charlie race laps around the house {squealing with delight} using push-walker toys and taking breaks to wrestle.

All three boys were asleep by 7:00 p.m.  {OK, William fell asleep nursing and will probably be up shortly…}

I enjoyed a hot cup of tea while catching up with Alex.

Today wasn’t extraordinary.  More like extraordinarily ordinary.

I loved it.

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